Saturday, February 16, 2013

Mid terms are over half a term to go

Hey guys its been half a term sense I started and man what a term its been. The world load keeps heaping on every term I am in but in the end you keep plugging away at it one step at a time. If your not good at time management well you will get good.

Here is a break down of how to do the work flow of a project I learned in Perspective of what I like to call "Illistration class"

Process of Creaking work

0. Define the Problem "Where r you going"
   - What should the audience be getting?
   - How to Deliver emotionally (Target audience)

1. idea - thinking and writing stuff down

2. Sketches/thumbnails - You know your ideas now you need to explain it in picture
               - Develop the size / placement / over all composition of the piece now
               - Thumbnails are done at this point also

3. Drawing - research your subject matter this is only when you do this part

4. Value    - What is the most important part?
        - Direct the viewer to the most important part
        - Light to dark (Under painting)
        - Decide on mood / focus / form at this point

5. Color    - This is the sprinkling and clean up
        - Not as important as value

Lets see what to tell you guys who are looking at gnomon. I don't sleep much if I can get in 8 hours I am lucky most the time I sleep any ware from 4 to 7 hours pending how late I am working on a project.

Eventually you stop looking at a calendar thinking "oooo what day of the week is it!" And you start to think "How much time do I have till my next dead line?" Gnomon time of days does not exist what does exists is just dead line after dead line. And if you don't put all your effort into these pieces then your just cheating your self.

The truth is the class mates who do not do this slack and if you slack your not going to get a job. Treat school like work and don't slack. Take good notes on what you did wrong. Go back and fix those things in the piece or if you don't have time make a running list of things to "watch out for" and keep it near you when you do your next piece.

The instructors are there to give you the tools not to give you a job. That is your job to give you a job. The students that make it and get jobs out of gnomon are the ones that have heart and fire in there blood to work as hard as they possibly can on something. There not the people who are just lolly gagging around waiting for life to fall in there laps.

When ever I have a spare min I try and work on skills I am week at. When I am given a open ended project to do then I try and do it in a medium I am not good at. Why? Because I need to work harder at that medium. Spending hours modeling something in Zbrush is not helping me become better at figures or painting in Photoshop. Am I going to be a concept artist when I get out? Nope that's not my goal but that does not mean I can not learn from my other skill sets and become better at Zbrush by becoming a better traditional artist. We need to train our eyes and hone our skills consistently.

There are students at school who work in the labs till 1am in the morning. Poring there time into a environment with few distractions and trying to get as good as they can get. This is our job as artist and it something we should take advantage of. The students that do this will have jobs before they leave school because there both seeking there next step and also honing all there skills towards there crafts. The students who wait last min and rush there homework doing a half ass job are the ones that will fail and not get a job.

Gnomon does not get student jobs they get you contacts and opportunities. Students at Gnomon get them selves jobs. Know your place and work hard to over come it.

To close up this post here is me working on one of my assignments for my Art history class:

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