Saturday, February 2, 2013

27 days in and still kicking

For every one who has read my blog so fare THANK YOU! It feels good and I got two people who posted thank you to me for doing this ^_^ When you blog it’s the community that really keeps you driven to keep doing it! My goal is to give you as much information about the school, the students, the teachers, the administration staff and the big question “IS IT WORTH SPENDING THE MONEY TO GO HERE?

I am sorry for taking so long to post my next entry *bows head with much shame* I have been enrolled into Gnomon for 27 day now so almost a whole month O.o Have I grow leaps and bounds thanks the the wonderful staff of Gnomon and its teachers that it hires both full and part time? Nope.
Have I grown into a better artist? Yes.

The truth of the matter is that there is no magic cure for you at all in life and if your expecting this school or any school to make you a kick ass artist simply because your going to “That school” let me save you time searching because it does not exist. A artist will learn techniques from other artist that are wiser and older than them but when the shit hits the floor let’s face it you will be you. I will try and collect some of the work from my fellow class mates so you can see what their skill level is going into school and maybe even get them to blog a few posts so you can get the school perspective from their point of view.

In 27 days I re assessed how to do lien weights / shading / perspective drawing (1,2,3 pnt) / gone over the base tools in Photoshop and how to mask and extract contents into other pieces to do ‘mash ups’ / Gone over the history of art in folk lore and Egypt / learned how to talk to other artist and edict to going to studios in the real world (Like never tell a artist there work looks just like so and so or blank movie or game character. THIS is a BIG NO NO. Ask yourself if you like someone to do that to your own work that you came up with) / and learned to draw geometric shapes in a 3D space to represent value / did a lot of life drawing.

A lot of this is stuff I all ready vaguely all ready knew. I learned perspective drawing when in 1 pnt for a long time before ever going to college. I had a class about it at Westwood. But the curriculum is designed for people who have NEVER TOUCHED A PENCIL IN THERE LIFE BEFORE. If you know it then it’s a refresher like I never knew about what the cone of vision was and I gone to a perspective class before… I know how to loosen up and talk to other artist but I never realized that you should NEVER tell anyone to look at your sketch book after you mutter under your breath “Well this is crap but can you please look at it any ways?” And even though I have done figure drawing a hundred time in a class and on my own… I still can improve even more every time and still catch myself making rudimentary mistakes.

Lets face it guys we are not perfect. Even if you’re a great artist and if you felt like the pieces I shown so fare are GREAT then guess what I still have a long way to go personally. If you are still wondering if you really NEED the 1 year program at gnomon or even the 3 year program send your stuff to a submissions rep they are pretty brutally honest and also tell them “Don’t sugar coat it tell me the honest bare bone truth… am I good enough?” I know we are so used to looking at school reps as the “sales force” of a school and they will lie out there ass to you but guess what… they won’t… There rather genuine. Lets face it Gnomon is not hurting for students. And there class sizes are small in fact our call size seems to be the biggest they ever had (we are 15 students coming in) There not trying to shovel people through the door they got PLEANTY of applicants trying to get in there not hurting. You know why? There street credit. Because at the end of the day what matters most in this industry is can you talk the talk and walk the walk. And my friend GNOMON graduates can do that and more.
I am trying to collect some more stuff together for you guys if possible and bring you some more info. Over all I am please and look forward to blogging more. Here is some of my work I did in some of my classes also as promised below happy arts guys! O BTW here is my deviant art site also:

Here is my frist assignment I had for photoshop class the specs were "Do what ever you want"

Here is my first attempt at painting in photoshop... try not to lolz...

Here is a bit I did for art history I LOVED this project it was for the fable of Gilgamesh I chose to depict the forest demon Humbaba :)


  1. AMAZING!!! I'm so very very thankful to your for this information and I look forward to see what happens next. Humbaba looks great!

  2. Thanks for the update! Your Humbaba model looks sick.

    As someone that is only interested in the 2D side of things, just how much of class time and homework given in 3D?

    1. Here is the break down of the course for you:

      You actually are given 0 time in ANY 3d program. You are not expected to know or ever work in 3D. The closest you get to doing any CG work from what I seen is learning how to use and paint in Photoshop. Out of the 15 students in my class with me only 1 other of them past me are even 3D Artist.

      Most of them either know they want to be a concept artist or they don't know what they want to do yet but just know that starting at the basics, 2d, is were you need to start either way you look at it.

      You will learn from either the instructors or looking at other peoples work while your in the labs about all the different jobs that are available in the CG industry. I "thought" I knew what a Mat painter was... I had no clue that they did 3D + Photoshop mash ups for film till I met one of the guys about to graduate who is a Mat painter.

      That is truly something you will NEVER gain from doing school from at home in front of your computer. Ya its cheep but I would never of made the contacts I am making or learned a tone of stuff that was NOT being taught by the teacher from fellow students at Gnomon...

      I originally thought of only taking the 3D training option I am glad I never did that to be honest.

      Also THANK YOU GUYS! I really loved my time working on the Humbaba model and look to get a chance to do more work on it when I find a spare moment in time.

  3. How long did the Humbaba of the legend Gilgamesh take to make? I am loving this blog. Hope to see more!

    1. That took me ~6 hours to put together and several more to render. I never tried to render anything at 2048 x 1012 so it was HUGE. Thank you I look forward to doing it more ^_^
