Monday, January 14, 2013

My First Week

Hi there internet world. I desided to blog about my time at Gnomon school so that future students and professionals can take this information and decide if this is something they would want to pursue. I looked for blogs about Gnomon when I was trying to decide if I wanted to go to the school and found only one that had any bit of contents and found it HIGHLY usfull in making my choice.

My goal is to come up with a non biased blog that tells you my personal feelings about the life at gnomon / students / teachers / student services. So lets get into it!

Here is my class schedule for my first week at Gnomon:
Perspective on Frieday taught by RPastrana
Figure Drawing  on Wedday taught by Van Arno
VisualCommunication1 on Monday taught by MHannah
Art History 1  on Monday taught by JGotts
Overview VFX Games on Thursday taught by TBoubeau
Photoshop DigitalPrd on Sunday taught by MColborn
DP/EDDP Studio Lab on Saturday
DP/EDDP Studio Lab on Sunday

Now I cant post all the information about the school because some of its protected by law and cant be released to the public but after doing this for a week I got to say I am impressed and enjoy it. All my instructors either currently work in the Entertainment Industry or they did for 10-20 years of there life and are just picking up contract work at this time.

Now there are classes I do hate, Visual Communication 1, but its not because of the instructor Mark Hannah is a AMAZING artist to say the least! But what I do hate is redundent tasks like Draw 15 boxes in 1,2,3 point perspective this assignment almost took me 15+ hours to do because I did 25 box per page and you had to start with rulers go to mix ruler and free hand then do all free hand and you had to do them GOOD.

Let me say this Gnomon is not a PUSH OVER SCHOOL this is not what Gnomon is and ever will be. Your here to learn and your here to work your ass off. You are spending a lot of money (1 year track right now for me is $16,500 out of pocket!) but it is well worth it so fare.

I will post some of my class work on here and answer any questions you post and please post them on the blog so other people can see them /read them / learn from them if not shoot me a email and tell me if its ok to post it on the site or not. I think we all should learn from other peoples experience. Now I need to go rush off to my Art History class so chow internet world!


  1. Hi Mark,

    First of all, BIG thanks to you for starting off this blog! Considering the fact that im looking at pursuing this 1 yr track at gnomon too, your blog has been very VERY useful so far!
    However, there are a few more questions that i have popping up in my head. Clearing them out will help me a little more.:)
    I understand that you are a 3D artist too. So im assuming you were working in the 3D space before Gnomon happened. You also said there is almost no 3D work that is done through this 1 year track. Im a 3D artist too. Is there NO possibility that what i already know will be useful to me??
    Thanks in advance!:)
    And Mark! i love your work that you have put up!(the portfolio submissions as well as your assignments!) Nice work!

    1. Thank you Divya for taking the time to look at my blog and thanks for the kind words with my work ^_^ I started the blog for just this reason to help de bunk some of the mystery around the 1 year program at Gnomon.

      My 3D Knowledge has helped me with my assignments as its given me another tool to help me set up scenes or quickly sketch out perspective space when I am setting up my art. I think 3D is just another tool in the end we can lean on when we are working in 2D. So I would not say that it is useless at all.

      3D has helped me understand lighting / form / and perspective do to working in a 3D space most the time and how it operates.

      Working in Zbrush for so long has helped me with sculpting in real life as well. So as you can see each is a give and take relation.

      You will not have any 3D classes but there will be opportunity for you to do 3D work for your assignments especially in Art History class but remember your taking the 1 year to become a better 2D artist not a 3D artist. Your 3D will look 10x better when you understand your world though what you learn in 2D.

  2. I love your blog! It gives me great insight.

    Same as you, I was denied from attending spring 13 because my portfolio lacked.. But I worked my butt off for 3 months, and Clark told me to apply NOT for the 3 year course, but the 2 year one. To my surprise, I was accepted for the 2 year course.

    Unfortunately, out of the many applicants, I was the ONLY one who got in, and there werent enough students. So they had to postpone my term until July :[

    Reading your blog gets me excited to feel the same experiences you do. I cant wait. Keep up the blog! Also, I wish to see more of your awesome artwork. You can check mine out at

    1. Thank you Dean! I have not done a lot of posts on this for almost two months to be honest I completly forgot about it...

      Gnomon will tend to do that to you :P Though reading your words has given me renewed vigor to update my blog and help people continue to learn about Gnomon.

      Gratz on getting into the 2 year! That is great! I heard there were a total of only 2 students accepted for the program and because of this they would not allow a class to start. I look forward to running into you at Gnomon when you start ^_^.

    2. Hi, I know this blog is probably inactive at the moment, but if you are still taking questions i'd like to ask one. Is it would it be wise to take perspective and vis com at the same time or would it be better to take them one at a time? Thank you!
