Woot I got into gnomon and my first term is almost over :) I am going to dump some work I did so fare.
Here is the Progress of my Final at each step for Intro to Maya:
Concept Art that I picked for my final we had to try and match it as close as we could both capturing the mood and style in our render this peice was done by the vary talented artist Bob Ragei for the Daxter game concept work:
Finished Modeling [4 days]:
Finished UVed (I HATE THIS PART THE MOST!!) [2 days]:
Lighting... God I love this step :) [1 day]:
1 week before D DAY >.<":
Mid term time I had to try and get as CLOSE as possible to a real photo and damn is this hard when you never worked in Maya >.<
Source Image a Gentlemen's club billiard room because I love to play pool :) :
Mid Term for my Intro to Maya:
This is a re light as my Intro to Texture teacher Miguel Ortega wanted me to continue on this room for his final: